The hotfix will be installed in the Data Center on Tuesday, the 04.06.2024 after 9 pm. There may be a short break during installation. We ask for your understanding.

 The following tickets are processed with this hotfix:

  • Credit notes – Fixed error when printing in certain constellations (#23305)
  • Customers – VAT number check adapted to new EU service
  • Content Import – Adaptation to new system with improved error messages

Homeserver which already have the version 2.18 can request this hotfix from our support.
Homeserver that does not have the version 2.18, get this hotfix automatically when updating to 2.18.

Your Promidata Team

The hotfix will be installed in the Data Center on Wednesday, the 14.03.2023 after 9 pm. There may be a short break during installation. We ask for your understanding.

 The following tickets are processed with this hotfix:

  • Web API – Improved return values for further use
  • Offer/Order – Cleanup of old versions into history improved

Homeserver which already have the version 2.18 can request this hotfix from our support.
Homeserver that does not have the version 2.18, get this hotfix automatically when updating to 2.18.

Your Promidata Team

The hotfix will be installed in the Data Center on Tuesday, the 27.12.2022 after 9 pm. There may be a short break during installation. We ask for your understanding.

 The following tickets are processed with this hotfix:

  • Offer – overview can not be sorted by number
  • Offer/Order – Setting the order value does not work correctly when product costs are used
  • Order – In case of several warehouses, reservations can be made across warehouses
  • Twinfield – Export Performance Country for Greece incorrect
  • XSLT Invoice export – As XML in single files automatically possible during invoice creation

Homeserver which already have the version 2.18 can request this hotfix from our support.
Homeserver that does not have the version 2.18, get this hotfix automatically when updating to 2.18.

Your Promidata Team

The hotfix will be installed in the Data Center on Tuesday, the 27.09.2022 after 9 pm. There may be a short break during installation. We ask for your understanding.

 The following tickets are processed with this hotfix:

  • General – Improved EN and FR translations and added missing ones
  • Web API – Extension of the search functions with additional parameters for offers and orders
  • Print – inline costs are now sorted correctly
  • Import – Contact birthdays are now imported correctly
  • WEX Import – Small corrections when creating suppliers and direct shipping settings for products

Homeserver which already have the version 2.18 can request this hotfix from our support.
Homeserver that does not have the version 2.18, get this hotfix automatically when updating to 2.18.

Your Promidata Team

The hotfix will be installed in the Data Center on Friday, the 22.10.2021 after 9 pm. There may be a short break during installation. We ask for your understanding.

 The following tickets are processed with this hotfix:

  • WEX Import – completely revise so that the articles are created in the article root with printable images on the standard offer form (23006)
  • Web API – extend offer and order info (22969)

Homeserver which already have the version 2.18 can request this hotfix from our support.
Homeserver that does not have the version 2.18, get this hotfix automatically when updating to 2.18.

Your Promidata Team

The hotfix will be installed in the Data Center on Tuesday, the 03.08.2021 after 9 pm. There may be a short break during installation. We ask for your understanding.

 The following tickets are processed with this hotfix:

  • General
    • Promotional Sourcing is now available. You will find Promotional Sourcing in the main menu.
      This new search option replaces the well-known Promotional Content, ProMas and PromBase.
      Via Promotional Sourcing you can configure products including imprints and then import them into Promotional Office.
  • Quotation/Order
    • Error when copying if the texts from the master data need to be updated.
      This error only occurs with temporary products (22776)
  • Article
    • Items are not imported if they were used as a temporary product in the past (22822)
  • Purchase order
    • An error occurs if the company name of the delivery address is longer than 75 characters (22683)
  • PromBase/PIM
    • Imports the wrong minimum order quantity, if it is different in the different languages ​​(22844)
  • Twinfield
    • Adaptation to the new authentication (OAuth) of Twinfield (22845)
  • Web API
    • GetDataAsDataTable rounds values ​​with decimals (22775)
    • Deliver order via API (22478)
    • IndentPositionIdentifier not populated on operations orders (22552)
    • Timeout when using combined search criteria to search for orders (22554)
    • Added VAT percentage and Editing costs (22554)

Homeserver which already have the version 2.18 can request this hotfix from our support.
Homeserver that does not have the version 2.18, get this hotfix automatically when updating to 2.18.

Your Promidata Team

The hotfix will be installed in the Data Center on Tuesday, the 15.12.2020 after 9 pm. There may be a short break during installation. We ask for your understanding.

 The following tickets are processed with this hotfix:

  • Purchase order – proposal list shows errors in bulk orders with a minimum order quantity (22470)
  • Print – Make the total purchase invoice printable in your own currency (22511)
  • RESTful API
    • LogoUrlList is not imported (22476)
    • Error while importing when a PIM article needs to be updated (22465)
  • Invoice – Make the VAT percentage rate available for each item during CVS export (22371)
  • WEX Import
    • Expand to include e-mail and supplier name (22513)
    • Error when selecting a customer (22399)
  • Web Service – Make SupplierTextPurchaseOrderText importable (22479)
  • Webshop Export – Export all product languages (22432)

Homeserver which already have the version 2.18 can request this hotfix from our support.
Homeserver that does not have the version 2.18, get this hotfix automatically when updating to 2.18.

Your Promidata Team

The hotfix will be installed in the Data Center on Thursday, the 03.09.2020 after 9 pm. There may be a short break during installation. We ask for your understanding.

 The following tickets are processed with this hotfix:

    • Offer / Sales order – improvement in the handling of successive actions (22 274)
    • PromBase / PIM – import problem when supplier changed his colors (22296)
    • Twinfield – error message for new entries (22288)
    • Webshop Export – Export improved in various aspects (22347, 22348 and 22360)

Homeserver which already have the version 2.18 can request this hotfix from our support.
Homeserver that does not have the version 2.18, get this hotfix automatically when updating to 2.18.

Your Promidata Team

The hotfix will be installed in the Data Center on Friday, the 24.07.2020 after 9 pm. There may be a short break during installation. We ask for your understanding.

 The following tickets are processed with this hotfix:

    • General – Error due to Windows Update KB4565633 or Windows 10 Version 2004 solved (22266)
    • Webshop export – When exporting to Promidata Shopware, you can now use your own categories in the mapping (22271)

</ ul>

Homeserver which already have the version 2.18 can request this hotfix from our support.
Homeserver that does not have the version 2.18, get this hotfix automatically when updating to 2.18.

Your Promidata Team

The hotfix will be installed in the Data Center on Sunday, the 12.07.2020 after 8 pm. There may be a short break during installation. We ask for your understanding.

 The following tickets are processed with this hotfix:

  • Offer / order
    • Copying production items does not copy inline costs (21921)
    • Revise the WEX standard of the GWW (19825)
  • Purchase Order – For inline costs with tierprices, orders take longer (21919)
  • Packing list – menu item “Deliver” is not translated (22130)
  • RESTful API
    • Error processing inquiries when no payment details are given (22128)
    • Warning and Notice are not imported (22110)
  • Invoice – export error if username ends with space (21925)
  • Twinfield – when changing the setting of a number range, the settings are assigned to all number ranges (22116)
  • Web service
    • Add the country’s isocode to SimpleAddressV1 (22131)
    • Make an additional check for validity when importing items (20813)
  • Webshop export
    • Improve misleading report after export (9161)
    • Create export for Promidata Shopware profiles (22118)

Homeserver which already have the version 2.18 can request this hotfix from our support.
Homeserver that does not have the version 2.18, get this hotfix automatically when updating to 2.18.

Your Promidata Team